CSE Guides for Getting Job Search Ready
Hello fellow students! Getting Job search ready and preparing for interviews might be daunting, but don’t worry I am here to share my favorite CSE Guides to always refer to and keep yourself polished in your search. You probably have seen some of these before – but hey! Consider this as a refresher to stay ahead of the curve and sharp.
Your resume is an important marketing document designed to sell your background to a targeted reader. It serves as an outline of your professional and educational background. It should highlight relevant key points and should be tailored strategically to present those accomplishments, skills, and experiences that relate specifically to the position you are seeking. You should consider the interview while composing your resume – How well you present these experiences in the resume is a measure of how well you will articulate these experiences in the interview. More is not better – Select only your experiences relevant to the function and industry you are looking to be a part of in the future. You are responsible for connecting your past experiences with your future goals. The more you know about your audience, the easier it will be to explain/illustrate your background in ways that catch their attention. A well-constructed resume increases your chances of an interview in which you can facilitate a productive discussion of your experiences. Similarly, a poorly constructed resume will screen you out of the interview process. You are responsible for all content on your resume – be prepared to speak to, elaborate on, or defend any and all of your resume. This has been made easier for you through the guide provided by the CSE.
As you have been attending classes, working on exciting projects at the Business School, and participating in clubs, you have so much to add to your resume. However, it is essential to add all these exciting experiences onto your resume and continue to follow the CSE resume templates and guidelines while also speaking and seeking guidance from your relevant Career Coach by setting up an appointment here.
A cover letter is a business letter that accompanies each resume you send to a prospective employer. The cover letter serves as an introduction; it tells an employer who you are and why you are sending them your resume. The cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your resume. Its purpose is to bring your data-oriented, real resume to life and add a personal touch. There is a variety of cover letter writing styles and formats. The CSE Cover Letter Guides are examples of techniques that students can use at a Master’s level position. Furthermore, Cover letters should answer the important question: Why should we hire you? Your cover letter may make the difference between obtaining a job interview and having your resume ignored, so it makes sense to devote the necessary time and effort to writing effective cover letters. Use your cover letter to target individual jobs and organizations. It would help if you did research before writing the cover letter to customize your letter to meet the needs of the prospective employer. Do not just repeat what is said on your resume. Instead, explain the reasons for your interest in the specific organization and position. Lastly, the letter’s tone should convey a high level of interest and emphasize how you can fulfill the company’s needs.
Your elevator pitch is a marketing tool that you will use throughout your Business School experience and career. The purpose of the elevator pitch is to give others relevant information about you so they can quickly get a sense of who you are and what you are looking to do. As a business school student, you’ll regularly introduce yourself to professional people – when you’re attending a professional networking event, when you’re meeting a professional contact for a coffee chat, or when you’re asked to “Tell me about yourself.” Don’t be surprised by these situations. Develop and practice a brief, compelling introduction of yourself – your “Elevator Pitch” – and adapt its details for different professional situations. Your Elevator Pitch should be 60 seconds or less. It’s often called an Elevator Pitch because it’s a compelling verbal description of you (a “pitch”) that’s brief enough to deliver during an elevator ride.
Over the following months at Business School, you will find yourself speaking with people who ask why you are interested in a specific function and what makes you a qualified candidate. You can communicate this information through your Elevator Pitch. Although the listener will most likely not say “Tell me your story/pitch,” s/he may ask you for it in another way (e.g., “Tell me about yourself,” “Walk me through your resume,” or “What brings you here today?”).
Scenarios range from structured and formal events to informal gatherings and conversations, including:
o Career Fairs
o Informational meetings, coffee chats, and interviews (including phone conversations)
o Formal interviews
With your bag full of resources, do you feel more ready to kick-start your job search?
This refresher was brought to you by CSE Career Captain Chester Zikhali.