Connect with Alumni Mentors in Business, Consulting and Finance

Are you interested in Business, Consulting and Finance? Do you want to network with Brandeis alumni, who have offered to help mentor students interested in these fields? If the answer is yes, it’s time to join the new Business, Consulting and Finance industry subgroup in the Rise Together Mentor Network!

This subcommunity is designed to help you build connections with alumni mentors working in business, consulting and finance roles. You can practice your networking skills, explore career paths within these industries, engage in industry conversations and build lasting relationships within your Brandeis network.

The best part… no more sending cold networking requests! Rise Together alumni mentors are here because they want to connect with students just like you.

Get started in Rise Together by creating your BConnect account today. You can then find Business, Consulting and Finance under the subgroups tab.

BConnect Registration Information
  • Log in using your UNet ID and password
  • Once you join the B Connect community, you can access the Rise Together program under ‘groups.’
  • For additional assistance in logging in, review these instructions.
  • Review more information about Rise Together; how to use it, what to ask and expectations of the system on our website.


By Career Strategies and Engagement (CSE)
Career Strategies and Engagement (CSE)