BCA’s Case Competition and How to Make the Most of it

Brandeis Consulting Association (BCA) opened applications for their Annual Case Competition. It’s time to put your business skills to the test, pitch your ideas, and make friends and have fun while you are at it! This can be the most rewarding experience of your Brandeis International Business School journey.

October 19: Deadline to sign up for your teams/as an individual
October 21: Case release date
October 31: All presentation submissions
November 5: Final round presentations

About BCA’s Case Competition

It is an academic competition, where students participate in a group of 2 to 4 people and compete with other teams to create the best solution to a business case study. Students utilize their teamwork, critical thinking, analytical and organizational skills to deduce a recommendation that they support in a presentation in front of judges or company sponsors. 

Why Participate 

Participating in a business-related case competition is one of the best ways to develop critical business and presentation skills, gain practical real-world industry experience, and network with experts and potential employers. During the course of the competition, you will learn new skills, build confidence, improve your resume and make friends. You can learn from, and grow with, your teammates and refine your collaboration and management competencies in a relatively low-stakes setting.

Things You Need To Do/Know

  • Form a team or sign up individually and BCA will assign you a team
  • Prepare to dedicate a reasonable amount of time for case analysis and presentation practice
  • Teams will have 9 days to submit a PowerPoint presentation and executive summary
  • Amendments or re-submissions are not allowed after the deadline has passed

Best Practices

When creating a team, choose diverse students to have different approaches to the case. Make a plan for the timeline, roles of different members in the team and schedule a working time. When working, question everything, so you have answers for the judges and this will help you think beyond the facts as well. And don’t forget – the value of an aesthetically compelling presentation cannot be overstated, so make your presentation beautiful.

Is There a “Right Answer” for a Case?

There are no right answers. There are multiple ways to look at a single problem and it can have multiple solutions. It is all about the thought process and how one addresses the case considering all aspects. Just know your numbers, come up with a solution that is actionable, and TELL A STORY. Storytelling can be a critical lever for standing out and connecting with your audience.

Pro tip: Be curious, think outside the box and make the most of this opportunity!

Please use this link to sign-up your team, or to be placed on a team by the BCA board members.

By Riya Mandhana
Riya Mandhana Former CSE Career Captain