Answering “How does your experience relate to this job?” | Top Interviewing Questions Series

How does your experience relate to this job?

Each Tuesday, the CSE Connect “Top Interviewing Questions Series” will highlight a different question from the CSE Top Interviewing Questions Guide, detailing 1) How the question is typically asked, 2) Why interviewers tend to ask the question and what the interviewer is looking for when asking the question, and 3) Tips for a successful response.

This week’s question is : “How does your experience relate to this job?”

How the Question is Typically Asked/Common Variations

  • How does your experience relate to this job?
  • Why do you think you would be a good fit?

Why Do Interviewers Ask/What are their Expectations

Your resume gives the interviewer a brief history of your experience, but they need to figure out if you’re the right person for this job. This gives you the opportunity to bring your experience to life by connecting it to what the employer is seeking.

Tips for Success

Review the job description and look at the requirements/responsibilities. Answering this question will be somewhat similar to the Cover Letter Exercise. You can invoke several types of “experience”: work, internship, field project, class projects, TA, RA, research, academic coursework, etc.

Focus on how you demonstrated the core competencies required for the position. Here are some ideas to consider:

  • Teamwork – what role did you play in team projects?
  • Prioritization Skills – how did you balance school and extracurriculars?
  • Leadership – did you step up to take a leadership role on any school projects, extracurriculars, volunteer work, etc.?
  • Communication Skills – how did you hone your skills through experience?

Be prepared to discuss why you chose Brandeis International Business School and what you learned. You will likely be asked about your coursework, grades, and extracurricular activities

Alumni Advice

“The thing that sets you apart doesn’t have to be a project or work experience. It can be anything about you…have stories in your life that you can spin as successes or failures… people remember this more than the technical things” Annick Hirwa, MA’19

For practice with this question please visit: Big Interview > Practice > General

Visit the CSE Top Interviewing Questions Guide for more information regarding top general interview questions!

By Career Strategies and Engagement (CSE)
Career Strategies and Engagement (CSE)