Answering “What are your strengths?” | Top Interviewing Questions Series

What are your strengths?

Each Tuesday, the CSE Connect “Top Interviewing Questions Series” will highlight a different question from the CSE Top Interviewing Questions Guide, detailing 1) How the question is typically asked, 2) Why interviewers tend to ask the question and what the interviewer is looking for when asking the question, and 3) Tips for a successful response.

This week’s question is : “What are your strengths?”

How the Question is Typically Asked/Common Variations

  • What are your strengths?
  • What strengths can you bring to this role?
  • Why are you a strong candidate?

Why Do Interviewers Ask/What are their Expectations

The interviewer needs to determine if what you’re good at will be a good fit for this role and for the company. Make it easy for the interviewer by describing your strengths in a way that will make them think, “Yes! This is the person we need for this role.”

Tips for Success

Embrace this question to talk about your best qualities.

Plan and practice your answer to this. Write down your a list of your top strengths and select three top qualities based on the position and interviewer at hand

Avoid generics that anyone can claim like “hard worker” or “people-person”.

Be specific and back up each with a story to demonstrate your strength.

Alumni Advice

“Know your audience, know who you are talking to, and tailor what you say based on that”

For practice with this question please visit: Big Interview > Practice > General

Visit the CSE Top Interviewing Questions Guide for more information regarding top general interview questions!

By Career Strategies and Engagement (CSE)
Career Strategies and Engagement (CSE)