Answering “Do you see yourself as a team player or an individual contributor?” | Top Interviewing Questions Series

Do you see yourself as a team player or an individual contributor?

Each Tuesday, the CSE Connect “Top Interviewing Questions Series” will highlight a different question from the CSE Top Interviewing Questions Guide, detailing 1) How the question is typically asked, 2) Why interviewers tend to ask the question and what the interviewer is looking for when asking the question, and 3) Tips for a successful response.

This week’s question is : “Do you see yourself as a team player or an individual contributor?”

How the Question is Typically Asked/Common Variations

  • Do you see yourself as a team player or an individual contributor?
  • Do you work best on a team or alone?

Why Do Interviewers Ask/What are their Expectations

In most roles, there are times when you’ll be asked to take a team leadership role, and other times when you’ll be in a team-player role, and the interviewer needs to determine whether you can be successful in either role. Most are looking for someone who will thrive on a team while still able to work independently as needed.

Tips for Success

The best answer will discuss your ability to do both, even if you have a clear preference.

Keep the job description in mind – if the position stresses teamwork make sure to emphasize that in your answer.

Alumni Advice

“Be able to manage collaboration and understand that people have different goals even within the same firm…create a unified vision”

“No matter what you do, there are always politics involved when you are dealing with human beings…get people involved early on so that they feel like part of the process”

For practice with this question please visit: Big Interview > Practice > General

Visit the CSE Top Interviewing Questions Guide for more information regarding top general interview questions!

By Career Strategies and Engagement (CSE)
Career Strategies and Engagement (CSE)