Inspired by our Annual Professional Presentation Week (February 12 – February 16, 2024), the CSE Team has created a blog series to highlight important topics related to the various aspects of professional presentation. These will be published throughout the month of February (because one week just isn’t enough!), so stay tuned for more awesome Professional Presentation Content.
In this blog post, Ryan Olthoff, Associate Director of Engagement, gets to the root of a common topic of discussion – should I shave for this interview?
About Professional Presentation Week: Featuring several events and challenges related to various aspects of professional presentation, including: Professional Attire, Body Language, Interview Preparation, Online Presence, Networking Tips, The Video Interview, Small Talk Challenge, Personal Branding, and more!
Lets Get Hairy
Ah yes. The age old question. Does facial hair make me look unprofessional to a prospective employer? Should I always shave before an interview? Will tattoos and other aspects of my appearance put a damper on my ability to get hired? The answer today is different than what it was even 10 years ago.
When I think about these questions, I often think about the show Mad Men, a popular television show that takes place in 1960’s Manhattan. Every individual was clean shaven, wearing tailored, designer suits and would hide every aspect of their appearance and lives that would make them seem “other” or “unable to fit in with the company culture”. Oftentimes, we consider this to still be standard practice today, especially in the business world.
Not a beard in sight.
Times are Even Hairier?
Like many other business practices from the 1960’s, the concept of “professional appearance” actually looks very different today.
Suits are often the exception, not the norm. Tattoos can be a great conversation starter in an interview, and not a warning sign for a hiring manager. Beards are a way to look distinguished and mature, rather than “messy” or “unprofessional”.
When visiting companies in Manhattan, it is just as likely to see individuals walking on Wall Street in khakis and a Patagonia vest as it is to see a suit and tie.
The professional world has changed, and with that comes freedom and ability to present yourself how YOU want to be presented. The expectation to look the same as everyone else for “company culture” has shifted drastically, and shows no sign of returning.
But Self-Grooming is Still Essential
That being said, you should always put adequate thought, time, and energy into how you are presenting yourself.
Just as we would all comb or brush our hair before an interview, or change into clothes other than the pajamas you rolled out of bed with, the same effort should be put into every aspect of your appearance, including facial hair.
This is not a green light to simply ignore how you are presenting yourself, rather it is encouragement to highlight the parts of yourself that make you unique and engaging as a person.
These days, being your individual self is often vitally important to securing a job or internship. If the day comes where I am back on the job market, I will be highlighting as many things about myself that make me stand out as possible. I will still have my beard, they may see my tattoos, and if that keeps someone from wanting to hire me, that is most likely someone I do not want to work with in the first place.